Grafik Inovasi dan Hasil Penelitian

Tabulasi Inovasi dan Hasil Penelitian

No Judul Peneliti Tingkat Tahun
921 The Elaboration of The Ulama Fatwa in Forming The Benefit of The Community: A Review on Selected Indonesian Fatwa Dr SYARIFAH GUSTIAWATI, Ahmad Mukri Aji , Harisah; INTERNASIONAL 2020
922 The Framework of Food Security and The Food Security Ecosystem Tawhidi Perspective HENDRI TANJUNG Ph.D, Farda Hasun, Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono; INTERNASIONAL 2020
923 The Geospatial Job Placement Model Using Decision Tree Based on Mobile Application in Indonesia INTERNASIONAL 2020
924 The influence of dynamic capability and performance on the competitiveness of private higher educati Dr. Ir KIRBRANDOKO M.Sc., Isbandriyati Mutmainah, Budi Suharjo, Rita Nurmalina; INTERNASIONAL 2020
925 The Role of government in utilizing information technology to build innovation in student learning at Ibn Khaldun university in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic Dr MAEMUNAH SA DIYAH S.Ag, M.Ag, Dr Drs. E MUJAHIDIN, Dr RUDI HARTONO S.Kom, S.Kom, M.Pd, M.Pd; INTERNASIONAL 2020
926 The role of innovation capacity and technology adoption towards product innovation performance measu Dr Ir ERIYATNO M.Sc., A Irwanti, Marimin, P Haryadi, LT Handoko; INTERNASIONAL 2020
927 The Role of Leader Assessment in Developing Teacher Teams in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Dr Drs. E MUJAHIDIN, Ending Baharuddin, Rudi Hartono; INTERNASIONAL 2020
928 The Role of Meeting Applications in Improving Student Productivity and Health Management amid Corona Virus Pandemic Dr Drs. E MUJAHIDIN, Dr Drs E. BAHRUDDIN M.Ag, Dr RUDI HARTONO S.Kom, S.Kom, M.Pd, M.Pd; INTERNASIONAL 2020
929 "The Role of Meeting Applications in Improving Student Productivity and Health Management amid Corona Virus Pandemic" Dr Drs. E MUJAHIDIN, Dr Drs E. BAHRUDDIN M.Ag; INTERNASIONAL 2020
930 The Role of Profit Rate in Islamic Monetary Policy Dr Ir TRISILADI SUPRIYANTO M.Si; INTERNASIONAL 2020